An Awful Realization

Subhashree Mishra
3 min readApr 26, 2020

The body is a slave to its impulses. But the thing that makes us human is what we can control. After the storm, after the rush, after the heat of the moment has passed, we can cool off and clean up the messes we made. We can try to let go of what was. Relinquish the fear of tomorrow and regret of past.

Recently I was stuck with this thought when I had a clash with reality that it is the lack of motivation and willingness to do things that keeps me from doing them and not the lack of time. There was this realization that I have been fooling myself with the excuse that I didn’t have time to do things I planned on doing because with plenty of time at hands right now, I still won’t do them. Then as always I consulted some of my friends and I got assurance for the day that nobody’s doing anything anyways and it’s not just me, which is bad I know but it’s human tendency to get a sense of relief when others are also doing the same thing as you.

So, there begun the search for our motivation. We scorched through the internet watching motivational videos for hours,reading blogs and then shared the results with each other (also a way for procrastination without making us feel guilty). With this new-found energy in us we decided to follow some things that boost morale and productivity. So, here I am writing some of the things I would try to follow to stay productive.

1.Wake up early and go for a walk

Doing this as when you take a brisk walk in the morning, you are quickly activating our body’s systems. Pulse rate rapidly increases, perspiration begins to flow, and you suddenly feel a level of alertness about ourselves and our environment. Once we begin walking in the morning, this improvement in mood may last throughout the day. Something I read.

2. Setting adequate goals for the day

It is quite important that you set your goals right as if you set your goals so small that they fail to inspire you to get out of our comfort zone or you set them so high that you don’t even know how to tackle them and lack the confidence to do so.Both ends of the spectrum are equally bad for your motivation and morale. Yes, dream big — dream so big it scares you. And yes, 10x your goals to force yourself to come up with out-of-the-box approaches. But please, set your actual daily goals in a do-able, yet challenging way. Your motivation will thank you!

3. Learn to be patient

You are kind of demotivated because you thought you’d be there by now. You wouldn’t have thought that achieving your goal would take so long. And it is seriously demotivating you. You might even be playing with the idea of quitting because you are so impatient.Understand that good things take time. This sounds cliché, but seriously: you need to change how you think about this! Focus on the progress and enjoy the journey, because it is as much as a reward as achieving your goal. Furthermore, celebrate little milestones along the way and reward yourself for your efforts. This will keep your morale up and your impatience at bay.

4. Follow Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Method is a time management philosophy that aims to provide the user with maximum focus and creative freshness, thereby allowing them to complete projects faster with less mental fatigue.The process is simple:For every project throughout the day, you budget your time into short increments and take breaks periodically.You work for 25 minutes, then take break for five minutes.After four “pomodoros” have passed, (100 minutes of work time with 15 minutes of break time) you then take a 15–20 minute break.Every time you finish a pomodoro, you mark your progress with an “X”, and note the number of times you had the impulse to procrastinate or switch gears to work on another task for each 25-minute chunk of time. There’s quite few apps following it.

Apart from this following a healthy lifestyle is also helpful in keeping your motivation up but I feel everyone kinda knows this. I have tried a gazillion times to follow a timetable to stay productive but every time it goes in vain after a few days, hoping I would follow it if I write this article, is why I am writing this (also procrastination). Hope you find it helpful, maybe you will follow it and work hard.

